Summary of response to 2023/24 fee scale consultation

The fee scale consultation

Our consultation explained that PSAA’s proposal was to set the 2023/24 fee scale on the basis of updating individual scale fees to reflect current audit requirements for all opted-in bodies. This updating is particularly important for the 2023/24 fee scale, to ensure fees are set on a consistent and equitable basis at the start of the new contract period. 

The consultation on the fee scale took place between September and October 2023. The regulations require us to consult:

  • all opted-in bodies;
  • those representative associations of principal bodies considered appropriate; and
  • relevant bodies of accountants.

As a matter of course we also invite consultation responses from other key stakeholders, including the firms, relevant government departments, DLUHC, stakeholders such as the NAO, the FRC, the LGA, and members of the PSAA Advisory Panel and their treasurers’ societies. 

We also wrote to each opted-in body during the consultation period to set out the calculation of their expected scale fee based on the consultation proposals.

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