- Home
- About us
- Who we are
- What we do
- Becoming an opted-in authority
- Appointing period for the audits of 2023/24 to 2027/28
- Appointing period for the audits of 2018/19 to 2022/23
- Transitional arrangements up to 2017/18
- Setting fees up to 2017/18
- Managing audit contracts up to 2017/18
- Regulatory Compliance and Quality Review Programme 2019
- Regulatory Compliance and Quality Review Programme – Annual Report 2018
- BDO up to 2017/18
- Ernst & Young up to 2017/18
- Grant Thornton up to 2017/18
- KPMG up to 2017/18
- Mazars up to 2017/18
- PwC up to 2015/16
- Deloitte up to 2015/16
- Managing audit contracts up to 2017/18 Small authorities
- Statement of responsibilities and Terms of Appointment up to 2017/18
- Reports on the results of auditors’ work
- Certification
- Information about NHS and small bodies
- Business Plan to 31 March 2025
- Local Audit Quality Forum
- Corporate governance
- Annual report and accounts
- Transparency
- Advisory Panel
- Appointing auditors and setting fees
- Auditor appointments and scale fees 2023/24 – 2027/28
- Auditor appointments and scale fees 2018/19 – 2022/23
- Auditor responsibilities
- Fee Variations Overview
- Contract monitoring
- Quarterly quality monitoring reports
- Audit service quality monitoring arrangements
- Terms of Appointment from 2018/19
- Statement of responsibilities of auditors and audited bodies from 2018/19
- Proposed fee variation for ISA 315 from 2023/24
- Contract monitoring 2023/24 to 2027/28
- Contract monitoring 2018/19 to 2022/23
- Latest news
- PSAA response to the NAO consultation on changes to the Code of Audit Practice
- PSAA response to the DLUHC consultation to address the Local Audit Backlog in England
- PSAA response to the Public Audit Forum Consultation on PN10, Audit of Financial Statements of Public Sector Bodies in the UK (revised)
- MHCLG (now DLUHC) Local Audit Framework: Technical Consultation – PSAA response
- Market Engagement Summary of Responses
- E-bulletins
- Events
- Publications
- Contact us
- Consultation policy
- PSAA policy statement on data protection
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Whistleblowing
- Legal