Webinars June-July 2021

  1. Is there an issue with the contract management being at one step removed under the PSAA regime, which is perhaps the price for the benefits of centralised procurement?

    The local audit framework, the respective roles of the different players, e.g. the FRC, the NAO, ICAEW, CIPFA, DLUHC and PSAA, and the nature of public audit means that any contract for the delivery of a code-compliant local audit will be different to a normal services contract.  PSAA (or local bodies) cannot specify the audit […]

    Read more of: Is there an issue with the contract management being at one step removed under the PSAA regime, which is perhaps the price for the benefits of centralised procurement?
  2. How do you measure quality?

    Our current arrangements for measuring the quality of the delivery of audit services are published. Our approach to tender evaluation for the 2022 audit services procurement reflected those areas which opted-in bodies told us are important to them. We sought input from the FRC in developing our approach. The themes and their weightings are as […]

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  3. What metrics will be in the contract to ensure that the promised quality is delivered in practice? Will there be financial penalties if it isn’t delivered?

    Technical audit quality is a measure for the FRC as regulator. The Ethical Standard precludes contracts that contain fees that vary according to a pre-determined measure (for example specifying a date by which an audit opinion must be given). We monitor the quality of audit services using a package of measures. We work with firms […]

    Read more of: What metrics will be in the contract to ensure that the promised quality is delivered in practice? Will there be financial penalties if it isn’t delivered?
  4. In terms of sustainability and as a contingency, is the option of a public sector supplier similar to the former District Audit Service being considered?

    There are numerous very significant hurdles to creating a public sector auditor and addressing them is not in PSAA’s gift. There are only nine firms in England registered to undertake local audit and three of these firms did not bid. Unlike other parts of the UK, in England there is no auditor of last resort […]

    Read more of: In terms of sustainability and as a contingency, is the option of a public sector supplier similar to the former District Audit Service being considered?
  5. What has the market told you about what is needed to deliver sustainability and how do PSAA encourage small audit firms to enter the market?

    In 2020 PSAA commissioned independent research from Touchstone Renard to review the sustainability of the local government audit market. During the summer of 2021 we considered the feedback provided by the market and confirmed our approach to support the drive towards a more sustainable market for local public audit services. We summarised the outcome of the […]

    Read more of: What has the market told you about what is needed to deliver sustainability and how do PSAA encourage small audit firms to enter the market?
  6. What is your response to concerns around the timeliness of audit opinion delivery?

    Issues with the timeliness of audit opinion delivery are caused by a variety of factors. In common with all stakeholders in the local audit system, we want to see the earliest possible return to a position in which virtually all local bodies can publish their audited accounts by the target date specified in the Accounts […]

    Read more of: What is your response to concerns around the timeliness of audit opinion delivery?
  7. Our current auditor disagreed with the approach taken by the previous auditor creating a large amount of work in terms of cost, time and effort. How does this work efficiently or even reliably?

    Once appointed, auditors are independent and the decisions that they take are down to their professional judgements. There may be differences in judgement between years by individuals from the same firm as views change or where more evidence becomes available.

    Read more of: Our current auditor disagreed with the approach taken by the previous auditor creating a large amount of work in terms of cost, time and effort. How does this work efficiently or even reliably?
  8. What is the mechanism for allocating the cost of individual audit firm bids?

    The mechanism for allocating the costs of individual firm bids is the scale fee, which allocates the total costs of all firms’ tenders and PSAA total costs (approximately 2%) in a proportionate way across all bodies. The scale fee does not vary in relation to which firm is appointed as auditor. Contingencies are not built […]

    Read more of: What is the mechanism for allocating the cost of individual audit firm bids?