PSAA will provide effective management of the contracts with appointed audit firms.
Details of our contract management arrangements are on our website and in these FAQs under the topic ‘Contract Management’.
We will meet regularly with the public sector leads at each contracted firm and ensure that matters concerning opted-in bodies are brought to their attention.
In addition, PSAA will:
- robustly assess and validate every fee variation proposal;
- work closely with DLUHC and other key stakeholders to identify ways to address the concerns about fees expressed by the Redmond Review;
- invite the S151 Officer and Audit Committee Chair (or equivalents) to participate in Local Audit Quality Forum events (or similar e.g. webinars) on relevant topics, which are free of charge to opted-in bodies;
- undertake research on technical developments related to local audit;
- attend meetings of the various treasurers’ societies and S151 officer meetings to share updates on our work, discuss audit-related developments, and listen to feedback; and
- maintain contact with those registered audit firms that are not currently contracted with us, to build relationships and understand their thinking on working within the local audit market.