News release: 9 March deadline to opt-in
PSAA has now received acceptances to its opt-in invitation from 448 authorities. Closing date to notify PSAA of your opt-in decision is 5pm on 9 March 2017.
PSAA has now received acceptances to its opt-in invitation from 448 authorities. Closing date to notify PSAA of your opt-in decision is 5pm on 9 March 2017.
On 14 February 2017 PSAA published the OJEU Contract Notice for the procurement of Audit Services for opted-in principal local government and police bodies in England.
We have added new questions B6 (the opt-in process) and D1 (auditor appointments) to the appointing person FAQs.
PSAA is confident that over 400 authorities will opt into its scheme. 287 already confirmed, at least 131 are in train. Closing date to notify PSAA of your opt-in decision is 5pm on 9 March 2017.
PSAA has now received acceptances to its opt-in invitation from 200 authorities. The 200th authority to opt in was Middlesbrough Council.