We are pleased to introduce PSAA’s Summary Business Plan for the period through to March 2024/25. The plan summarises who we are, what we do, and how we will continue to carry out the role of the Appointing Person under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015.
The development of our first published summary business plan reflects our commitment to good governance and transparency recognising that we spend public money and act on behalf of a significant number of local government bodies.
Local Audit as a sector is facing significant challenges and there are many uncertainties about what the future may hold. Our unique position within the local audit system with relationships with both auditors and opted-in bodies means that we are often the first to identify emerging issues. Strong relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders are crucial to our work.
As a small team, we must carefully prioritise our work and ensure that we fulfil our statutory requirements. Recognising the future uncertainties, we will keep our plan of activity under review and where necessary respond to emerging issues and developments within the local audit system.

Steve Freer
Chief Executive

Tony Crawley
Chief Executive